People get angry in different styles (ways), for example some tend to keep their anger in and express is in a passive aggressive way, others are explosive. There are many parameters (or dimensions) by which one can describe anger
Anger style can be described using the following dimensions:- Anger out/In : is it expressed or kept In
- Anger control: Do we attempt to control our expression of Anger
- Impulsive: can we delay responding when we are angry? or we can barely wait to act on our urges?
- Punitive: The direction of anger, is it to punish and get even or the main intent is to mend and restore a situation?
- Deflective/reflective: Do we deflect our angers on others (lash out on others because we are having a bad day) or its directed and selective.
- Aggression: Do we use verbal and physical aggression in our anger.
- Brood: Do we tend to think and retain angry thoughts for a long time
- Irritable: How fast do we get angry? (does it take a lot for us to finally be angry)
- Duration: How long do we stay angry for? (do fast do we calm down after being angry)
Anger assessment link