Anger triggers  image
What triggers our Anger?
Finding out our anger triggers is the first step to manage our Anger. Its also a way for us to understand more about ourselves and what we need to work on.

The following questionnaire attempts to find out what type of Anger triggers you have?

- Accidents and unexpected delays
- Mistakes and negligence of others
- Impatience (repeated annoyances)
- Injustice (when one is wronged)
- Criticism/Blame (criticized in public?)
- Insults and rudeness.
- Opinions not valued or being dismissed.
- Loss of control, or feeling that others want to control us.
- When goals and wants are impeded or blocked (restraining desires)

An over all Anger score is computed to indicate the overall level of anger as well.
The questionnaire is based on a modified version of the Novaco anger scale.

Here is the Link to the Anger trigger/style questionnaire

It takes 7-8 minutes to finish. Thank you for your patience.

Please make sure to take a snap shot of your results as the results are not saved

Anger assessment link
(some of the questions are based on the STAXI-II state-Trait anger assessment)